Press releases

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European Investment Bank More Likely to Give Loans to Regions Represented on Board of Directors

European regions which have representatives on the board of directors at the European Investment Bank (EIB), the world’s largest multilateral lending and borrowing institution, are more likely to receive loans than those regions in Europe which aren’t represented, according to new research from EconPol Europe and ZEW Mannheim.

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Leading Economists Propose a Stronger EU role in the Provision of Public Goods

Economists Clemens Fuest (EconPol Europe and ifo) and Jean Pisani-Ferry (European University Institute and Breugel) have called for the EU to reorganize the division of labor between the national and European levels and provide more public goods in areas where European provision is cheaper and more effective than provision at the national level.

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Chinese Takeover Companies Pay Higher Salaries than Other Investors

Employees in companies with Chinese investors receive higher salaries in the first years following the acquisition than those in companies acquired by buyers from other countries. At the same time, capital productivity is lower in companies with Chinese investors. These were the findings of a team of EconPol Europe researchers led by ifo President Clemens Fuest.

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Schwäche der deutschen Automobilhersteller bremst wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Handelspartner

Der starke Rückgang der deutschen Automobilproduktion im dritten Quartal 2018 hat zu teilweise kräftigen Wertschöpfungsverlusten bei wichtigen Handelspartnern geführt. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse des Europäischen Forschungsnetzwerks EconPol Europe beziffern Einbußen bei Zulieferern der Automobilindustrie aus anderen Wirtschafsbereichen sowohl in Deutschland als auch in anderen Länder. Die Auswirkungen auf das Bruttoinlandsprodukt sind am größten für die Tschechische Republik, Ungarn und der Slowakei.

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