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Weak German car industry hampers sectoral and global development of trading partners
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A sharp downturn in production in the German car industry in the third quarter of 2018 had a negative impact on its main partners and is causing global and sectoral losses, according to a new report from European research network EconPol Europe. The research shows the effect on GDP is largest in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The report’s authors* expect the German car industry to stay in recession for the near future.
Schwäche der deutschen Automobilhersteller bremst wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Handelspartner
Der starke Rückgang der deutschen Automobilproduktion im dritten Quartal 2018 hat zu teilweise kräftigen Wertschöpfungsverlusten bei wichtigen Handelspartnern geführt. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse des Europäischen Forschungsnetzwerks EconPol Europe beziffern Einbußen bei Zulieferern der Automobilindustrie aus anderen Wirtschafsbereichen sowohl in Deutschland als auch in anderen Länder. Die Auswirkungen auf das Bruttoinlandsprodukt sind am größten für die Tschechische Republik, Ungarn und der Slowakei.
Low Voter Density Harms Voter Anonymity and Biases Italian Elections
The density of voters in polling regions limits the secrecy of voting and can affect the outcome of Italian elections, according to new research from EconPol Europe. And, say researchers, countries with a similar voting mechanism will experience the same effect.
Majority Voting on Taxation Could Prove Explosive for European Integration
Majority voting can leave outvoted EU Member States feeling disadvantaged and jeopardise political cohesion in the EU, according to EconPol researcher Friedrich Heinemann (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim).
Intra-EU labor mobility doubles in two decades, with northern member states preferred destinations
Freedom of movement of workers in the EU has doubled since the beginning of the century and is largely beneficial from east to west, but south to north emigration could be detrimental to sending countries.
These are the findings of economists Cinzia Alcidi and Daniel Gros (CEPS, Brussels), who examined the factors driving growth in intra-EU labor mobility in an opinion article for EconPol.