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Press releases
EconPol Research: Procurement Officials Aim to Avoid Bidders with Bad Reputation
Key priority of German and Finnish public procurement officials is avoiding awarding public contracts to bidders with bad reputation. Yet, their ability to do so may be limited. Officials also dislike procurement outcomes that exceed expected costs or fall short of expected quality a recent EconPol study finds. "Exceeding the budget in the administration is perceived to be much worse than falling short. This can be explained for example by budget overruns often being criticized in public, e.g.
EconPol Research Finds: Basic Income Has Small Effect on Employment in Finland
The basic income in Finland led only to a small increase in employment. Finland is the only country that carried out a complete nationwide randomized control trial of a basic-income program. „It has been widely hypothesized that universal basic income might alleviate many problems in contemporary labor markets, like job polarization and inequality. However, in our research we could not find a major impact on the Finnish labor market“, says Jouko Verho one of the authors.
EconPol Europe: Optimize Covid-19 Vaccine Production with Time-Based Incentives
A new policy brief from EconPol Europe analyses current vaccine production contracts and recommends an optimal contract design to boost availability. The policy implications, say authors, are very clear: contracts should contain incentives for accelerated production, with vaccines delivered early commanding a higher price.
EconPol Research Questions Impact of Robotization: New Study Finds Smaller Productivity Effects and Falling Wages
Robotization has significantly lower productivity effects than previously assumed and may cause falling wages, according to a new study from EconPol Europe. The study also rejects previous research findings that the technology causes skill-biased technological change and instead finds the opposite to be true.
EconPol Europe: Growth Expectations Higher Following Biden’s Election
International experts surveyed by EconPol Europe expect the election of Joe Biden to boost economic growth in their countries. The survey of 843 experts from 107 countries reveals they expect the Democratic candidate’s win to add 1.16 percentage points on average to growth in 2021.