EconPol Policy Reports

EconPol Policy Reports conduct comprehensive economic analysis on current European economic and fiscal policy issues, fostering a deeper understanding of European economic development and the implications of policy measures. The reports provide valuable insights into policy scenarios and the impact of economic policies, facilitating informed public discussions and evidence-based policy making. EconPol‘s mission is to contribute to the crafting of effective economic policy in the face of the rapidly evolving challenges faced by the European economies and their global partners and to provide well-founded advice to European policymakers.

Complexities and Dependencies in the Global Semiconductor Value Chain

Dorothee Hillrichs und Anita Wölfl

This EconPol Report sheds light on the global supply of semiconductors. The analysis of value-added data for the US underscores the importance of semiconductors for advanced economies. Using global trade data and an extensive list of semiconductor-related goods, the authors provide a detailed description of the global semiconductor economy. While final chip exports have been dominated by Taiwan, China, and Korea at an aggregate level since the early 2010s, export leadership varies substantially across chip types. Moreover, the authors identify nine core countries in North America, Europe, and Asia that dominate semiconductor-related trade including material inputs and equipment. The nine countries exhibit substantial mutual trade dependencies due to the fragmentation of semiconductor production

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EU Climate Policy in a Globalized World

Philipp M. Richter and Joschka Wanner

This Policy Report assesses various options for EU climate policy utilizing a quantitative trade and environment model. The authors investigate the EU’s 2030 emission reduction target, evaluate the impact of the newly introduced Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), and analyze different climate coalitions with the EU at their core, including the recently launched “G7-led Climate Club.” Thereby they assess the impact on both national and global emissions accounting for carbon leakage, on international economic competitiveness and changes in the global market shares of the EU, as well as on aggregate income gains and losses.

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Building a Stronger Single Market: Potential for Deeper Integration of the Services Sector within the EU

Florian Dorn, Lisandra Flach and Isabella Gourevich

This Policy Report shows that reducing barriers and better harmonizing regulations within the EU would deepen the integration of the EU internal market for trade in services. This would lead to gains in value added across all sectors, strengthening Europe's economy and competitiveness and generating substantial welfare gains.

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Monitoring the Impact of Sanctions on the Russian Economy

Vasily Astrov, Feodora Teti, Lisa Scheckenhofer, Camille Semelet

This report highlights the effects of international sanctions on Russia's economic performance up to mid-2024. Despite monetary tightening, Russia's early 2024 economic growth remained strong due to a tight labor market and continued credit expansion. The fiscal outlook has improved with more positive short- and medium-term projections despite increased military and social spending. The trade surplus remained almost unchanged, masking declines in both exports and imports. 

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Enhancing Objectivity and Decision Relevance: A Better Framework for Evaluating Cohesion Policies

Friedrich Heinemann, Zareh Asatryan, Julia Bachtrögler-Unger, Carlo Birkholz, Francesco Corti, Maximilian von Ehrlich, Ugo Fratesi, Clemens Fuest, Valentin Lang, Martin Weber

By international comparison as well as compared to other EU policies, the EU’s Cohesion Policy evaluation system is far developed and institutionalized. This report analyses the remaining gaps and shortcomings in the Cohesion Policy evaluation system against principles established by the OECD and others and provides recommendations on how to further improve it.

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