Past events

Parliamentary Lunch

Report on the European Economy

26 February 2019, Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union

The 2019 report, ‘A Fragmenting Europe in a Changing World’, touched upon the increasing challenges that the EU was facing – both within and outside the Union. After thoroughly assessing the current macroeconomic outlook for Europe, the event focused on discussing the rise of China as a leading power in science and technology. The report showed that Chinese acquisitions of European high technology companies and investments in sensitive public infrastructure attracted public attention and these developments challenged the European Union to respond appropriately, while offering ample opportunities for progress both at the member country and at the EU level.  

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CEPS Ideas Lab 2019 - EconPol Lab

Convergence and stabilisation in the Eurozone

22.02.2019 | 9:15 - 10:30 , The Egg, Rue Bara 175, 1070 Brussels

Since the French-German Meseberg declaration from June 2018, the debate about euro-area reforms has gathered new momentum. The EconPol Europe Lab Session will discuss chances and risks of recent policy initiatives such as an unemployment re-insurance scheme or tools incentivising structural reforms in the member states. Can these instruments deliver what their proponents promise? How could a compromise on EMU reform look like that finds support in all member states? 

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EconPol Europe Parliamentary Breakfast

Convergence in EMU: Finding a Way Forward

20 November 2018, 7:30-9:00, Brussels, Belgium

In this parliamentary breakfast, EconPol Europe researchers discussed recent convergence trends within and across EU member states and the strengths and shortcomings of current reform proposals to incentivise structural reforms with Members of the European Parliament.

Clemens Fuest, ifo Institute and University of Munich

Cinzia Alcidi (CEPS)
Mathias Dolls (ifo Institute)

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EconPol Europe’s Annual Conference 2018

International Trade and Protectionism

19-20 November 2018, Brussels

The impact of international trade and protectionism on the European economy was examined at EconPol Europe’s annual conference on the 19 and 20 November, with a keynote speech by Maria Martin-Prat (Director, Directorate General for Trade, European Commission). The challenges of EU trade policy making were the focus of day one of the conference, discussed by a policy panel including Maria Åsenius (Head of Cabinet to Commissioner Malmström), Sébastien Jean (Director of CEPII), Bernd Lange (Chair of European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade), Andrea Montanino (Chief Economist, Confindustria) and Eckart von Unger (Senior Manager, BDI).

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Implications of US Tax Reform for Europe

EconPol session at the 74th Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance

21 Aug 2018 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Tampere, Finland

The panel will discuss the global implications of the latest US tax reform adopted on 1 January 2018.

Session Chair
Andreas Peichl, ifo Institute

Michael Devereux (Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation)

Clemens Fuest (ifo Institute and University of Munich)
Michelle Hanlon (MIT, Sloan School of Management)
Victoria Perry (International Monetary Fund)

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