News Archive

Illustration for EconPol Policy Brief 14

Incentivising structural reforms in Europe? A blueprint for the European Commission’s Reform Support Programme

Policy Brief
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How can a faster implementation of structural reforms fostering the process of economic convergence in Europe be achieved? In our latest policy brief, EconPol researchers discuss the rationale and potential adverse effects of providing financial incentives for structural reforms and present a proposal of national convergence roadmaps. Although these proposals deviate from the Commission proposal in some key dimensions, they reflect the fact that ensuring progress towards convergence targets is primarily a responsibility of the individual member states - not of the EU or European institutions and bodies like the European Commission and the Eurogroup.
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Illustration for EconPol Policy Brief 13

Trump’s trade attack on China – who laughs last?

Policy Brief
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A modern general equilibrium trade model to simulate the effects of the Chinese-American trade dispute finds that both economies lose, but China loses absolutely and relatively much more. In our latest policy brief, the authors analyse the potential impacts of an escalating trade war and find that while the bilateral tade balance of the US with China improves, it deteriorates with the EU and forebodes further transatlantic conflict.
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Illustration for EconPol Working Paper 20

Stock flow adjustments in sovereign debt dynamics: the role of fiscal frameworks

Working Paper
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In our latest working paper, António Afonso and João Tovar Jalles assess, via system GMM, how Stock Flow Adjustments (SFA) affect the debt-to-GDP ratio in 65 countries (covering developed and emerging and low-income countries) between1985-2014. They find that SFAs positively contribute to the change in the debt-to-GDP ratio with a coefficient close to one.
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Illustration for EconPol Opinion 15

The death of the European Banking Union

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In July 2017, Louis Rouanet argued that the bail out of two Italian banks, Veneto Banca and Banca Popolare di Vicenza, would be a ‘deathblow to the European Banking Union’. EconPol researcher Timo Wollmershäuser agrees, and says the correlation between risk premia for sovereigns and banks has since sharply increased to the high levels observed before the start of the Banking Union.
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New partners for EconPol Europe expand economic research network into 12 EU countries

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EconPol Europe, the European network for economic and fiscal policy research, has welcomed five new associate partners to expand its reach into Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. The new associates join founding partners in Germany, France, the UK, Finland, Austria, Italy and Belgium to take the total number of university and non-university institutions in the network to 14.
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