News Archive
The Long-Term Climate Strategy of the European Union – a Reality Check
EconPol Opinion
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To prevent the average global temperature rising by more than 1.5° celsius, we need to reduce global net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to zero by 2050. The EU’s current target is a reduction of emissions by 80-95% by 2050. However, the EU itself estimates that it will only achieve about 60% with a continuation of current policies. In 2017, GHG emissions rose after falling by almost 23% between 1990 and 2016. Prof. Dr. Karen Pittel examines the evidence and suggests a framework for action.
(Un)Intended Effects of Preferential Tax Regimes: The Case of European Patent Boxes
Working Paper
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In this analysis of the effects of the preferential tax treatment of IP income in European countries, authors provide a comparison of pre-tax profits of firms in patent box countries – before and after the introduction of patent boxes – and provide the comparison for two types of firms: affiliates that belong to a MNE and those that belong to domestic conglomerates. Contrary to expectation, the overall tax base adjustment might lower tax revenues collected from MNEs.
Balanced-Budget Fiscal Stimuli of Investment and Welfare Value
Working Paper
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Is a fiscal stimulus of investment a viable complement to, or substitute for, monetary policy? The authors of this working paper show that, under a balanced-budget stimulus, investment acceleration may come at the expense of decreased total welfare and that where uncertainty is higher about private returns a net efficiency loss is more likely. However, the risk of such negative outcome strongly declines when the government spending is balanced by taxing both private and public returns on investment.