News Archive

Chinese skyscrapers

In Systemic Competition with China

EconPol Opinion
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China’s success with state capitalism poses security concerns and huge economic challenges for western market economies. Its economy has boomed over the past 20 years, with private industry contributing much to recent success. And while private industry has helped the rise of China, it’s only one part of the economy. State enterprises and state-controlled firms play a dominant role; the former accounts for 35% of China’s GDP.

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World map to illustrate climate change

The Long-Term Climate Strategy of the European Union – a Reality Check

EconPol Opinion
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To prevent the average global temperature rising by more than 1.5° celsius, we need to reduce global net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to zero by 2050. The EU’s current target is a reduction of emissions by 80-95% by 2050. However, the EU itself estimates that it will only achieve about 60% with a continuation of current policies. In 2017, GHG emissions rose after falling by almost 23% between 1990 and 2016. Prof. Dr. Karen Pittel examines the evidence and suggests a framework for action.

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Euro coins

(Un)Intended Effects of Preferential Tax Regimes: The Case of European Patent Boxes

Working Paper
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In this analysis of the effects of the preferential tax treatment of IP income in European countries, authors provide a comparison of pre-tax profits of firms in patent box countries – before and after the introduction of patent boxes – and provide the comparison for two types of firms: affiliates that belong to a MNE and those that belong to domestic conglomerates. Contrary to expectation, the overall tax base adjustment might lower tax revenues collected from MNEs.

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Arrows illustrating budgets

Balanced-Budget Fiscal Stimuli of Investment and Welfare Value

Working Paper
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Is a fiscal stimulus of investment a viable complement to, or substitute for, monetary policy? The authors of this working paper show that, under a balanced-budget stimulus, investment acceleration may come at the expense of decreased total welfare and that where uncertainty is higher about private returns a net efficiency loss is more likely. However, the risk of such negative outcome strongly declines when the government spending is balanced by taxing both private and public returns on investment.

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European Central Bank Frankfurt

Current Account Imbalances and the Euro Area: Alternative Views

Working Paper
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The Euro area is caught in a "maze of peculiar regulations" and referring to current account imbalances (CAI) as a catch-all indicator of financial efficiency may lead to seriously misplaced policies, according to Ronny Mazzocchi (European Parliament) and Roberto Tamborini (University of Trento), the authors of this latest EconPol working paper. The paper examines the controversial points about the causes, meaning and consequences of CAI, and discusses the alternative policy prescriptions that emerge.
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