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Eurozone budget: Member states should be responsible for structural reforms in Europe, but targeted incentives may foster convergence and competitiveness

Researchers from EconPol Europe say a system of national convergence roadmaps will achieve a faster implementation of structural reforms for economic convergence in Europe than the country-specific recommendations made by the European Commission in the context of the European Semester.
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ifo President Fuest calls for greater cooperation in the EU

Three months ahead of the European elections, ifo President Clemens Fuest has expressed his concern about the state of the European Union. "The EU resembles more and more the Habsburg Empire towards its end, when internal and external forces were striving towards disintegration. The EU, its member states and parliament must take countermeasures. First, the EU must do everything it can to avoid a hard Brexit at the end of March," Fuest said on Tuesday in Brussels at the presentation of the European Report 2019 of the EEAG Research Group.
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There are no winners in the US/China trade war but Trump may still hit his targets, say EconPol economists

If no agreement in the Sino-American trade dispute is reached by 1 March – the end of the 90-day ‘ceasefire’ agreed by both country’s presidents - China could lose up to €171.3 billion in US exports, with US exports to China contracting by €51 billion.
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