News Archive
Opinion: The Commission’s Views on Strengthening the Euro Area - Barking Up the Wrong Tree?
EconPol Opinion
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Juncker’s proposals on the euro area are lacking in substance and coherence. His starting point was that the euro should be considered the currency of the Union, not just the currency of some Member States. From a formal point of view this is correct, as the euro is indeed designated in the European Treaties as the currency of the Union. The countries that are not part of the euro area are considered to have a temporary derogation. Network member David Gros, Director of CEPS, says that the reality is, however, different and explains why small, concrete steps aimed at strengthening financial stability would have been more useful.
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Working Paper: The Case for Co-Financing the CAP
EconPol Working Paper
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The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was set up in a time when the memory about post-war food shortage was fresh, Europe was a large net importer of agricultural products, agricultural production was highly labour-intensive and significant shares of the work-force received their major income from the agricultural sector. Today, agricultural production is capital-intensive with a low share of total labour employed and food spending. Read in this paper by network member Friedrich Heinemann/ZEW why CAP in its current size is still part of the problem and which conclusions should be urgently drawn.
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Working Paper: Firm Responses to an Interest Barrier - Empirical Evidence
EconPol Working Paper
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Finnish VATT Institute for Economic Research scientists Jarkko Harju, Ilpo Kauppinen and Olli Ropponen have studied the interesting effects of an interest barrier that was introduced in Finland to restrict the profit-shifting opportunities of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Our Nordic EconPol Europe Partners found that Finnish MNEs responded to the interest barrier by decreasing their financial expenses, but not only.
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Working Paper: Europe at the Interdependence War
EconPol Working Paper
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The EMU has been founded on the exclusive national responsibility doctrine, except for monetary sovereignty devoted to a single bank. Italian economist Roberto Tamborini, Università di Trento, speaks out on why the strong interdependent linkages among the partner countries impair the national responsibility notion and make the country-by-country approach of the EMU policies so dramatically harmful.
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Policy Brief: Why are Macroeconomic Imbalances so Important for the EMU?
EconPol Policy Brief
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Are convergent growth rates a sine-qua-non condition for a monetary union? Is there any economic tendency towards this outcome? Economist Roberto Tamborini, Università di Trento, says: "Higher growth across Europe is a valuable aim but is the devotion to pro-growth and convergence policies and to the formalisation of the convergence process in Europe's Economic and Monetary Union the correct answer? The EconPol Europe network partner recommends quickly having a closer look.
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