News Archive


Cross-border cooperation on fiscal and economic issues

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With its cross-border cooperation on fiscal and economic issues, EconPol Europe aims at promoting growth, prosperity and social cohesion in Europe and, in particular, at providing research based contributions to the successful development of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). Its tasks consist of joint interdisciplinary research in the following areas: sustainable growth and ‘best practice’, reform of EU policies and the EU budget, capital markets and the regulation of the financial sector and governance and macroeconomic policy in the European Monetary Union.
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EconPol Europe – the European Research Network – established by the ifo Institute and eight renowned partners

Press release
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EconPol Europe – the European Network for Economic and Fiscal Policy Research built up by the ifo Institute – is the new expert voice in the discussion regarding the future shape of economic and fiscal policy in the European Union. On June 22, ifo President Clemens Fuest and the representatives of eight other renowned research institutes will meet in Brussels to sign the document establishing this major European research network. “We are extremely pleased, together with our partners, to lend more weight to the voice of researchers in influencing the further development of the European Union”, commented ifo President Clemens Fuest.
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