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Container Ship Supply Chains

Reconfiguration of Supply Chains of German Firms

Policy Brief
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Even after the coronavirus pandemic, German manufacturing is continuing to restructure its supply chains in order to reduce the risk of production losses. Companies are focused primarily on diversification. 58 percent have broadened their supply chains and found new suppliers in the past year. One in three companies is also planning to expand its supplier base further. Last year, 45 percent of manufacturing companies also made increased use of warehousing.

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EconPol Forum: School Mentoring

Mentoring Improves the School-to-work Transition of Disadvantaged Adolescents

EconPol Forum
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Mentoring programs can strongly improve the transition from school to work for disadvantaged adolescents. This article evaluates the effectiveness of one of the largest mentoring programs for disadvantaged adolescents in Germany. Results indicate that mentoring markedly boosts school achievement, patience, and labor-market orientation of students from highly disadvantaged backgrounds. The effects on math grades and labor-market orientation extend beyond the end of the program.

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EconPol Forum 01/2024: From BRICS to BRICS+


EconPol Forum
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Out of the more than 40 countries that have expressed interest in joining the BRICS bloc, the leaders of the five founding members announced in August 2023 that Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates would join the BRICS in January 2024. The BRICS+ countries now represent around 45 percent of the world’s population and around a third of global GDP. Originally the BRICS were founded as an economic alternative to the Western bloc led by the USA and the EU.

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EU Commission

Why a More Decentralized Federal State Would Be Beneficial for the EU

EconPol Forum
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Russia’s attack on Ukraine has revealed the need to reassess Europe’s security. Currently, the European Union is a politically fragmented and divided union of member states, economically underperforming, with a defense capability that is insufficient without the support of the USA. This article of EconPol Forum argues that the European Union should develop towards a stronger decentralized federation, but by restoring the principle of subsidiarity.

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