News Archive

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Addressing the Core-Periphery Imbalances in Europe

EconPol Working Paper
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How can the euro area tackle its perennial problems of core/periphery imbalances and anaemic long-term growth? According to network members Luigi Bonatti and Andrea Fracasso, Università di Trento, there is no quick-fix solution. Temporary fiscal stimulus does not produce permanent improvements, while the upfront costs and short-term negative impact of structural reforms can feed distributional conflicts. Permanent cross-national transfers provide local relief, but also exacerbate tensions among member states.
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Dynamic Scoring of Tax Reforms in the European Union

EconPol Working Paper
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Dynamic scoring, or the evaluation of tax reform effects, is common practice in the US, but has never been applied to the EU’s fiscal governance framework. Adopting a novel approach, the authors analyse hypothetical reforms of the social insurance contributions system in Belgium. They find that the self-financing effect of a reduction in employers’ social insurance contributions is far greater than that of a comparable reduction in employees’ social insurance contributions.
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News Contatiner Ship

Opinion: A Trumpian Turn in EU Trade Politics and the Silence of Germany

EconPol Opinion
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On December 5, 2017, the European institutions - Commission, Council, and Parliament - reached political agreement on reforming the EU’s trade defense instruments. This “modernization” of anti-dumping legislation is, in fact, an attempt to provide the EU with stronger tools to tackle the allegedly “unfair” practices of its trade partners. On its website, the Commission advertises that the deal will enable the EU to impose higher duties on dumped products. Does Germany’s position signal a new and worrying stance toward free trade?
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Opinion: Sustainable Fiscal Policy Calls for More Restrictive Debt Rules for Eurozone

EconPol Opinion
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In view of loud complaints over alleged austerity policy in Europe, the call for tougher debt ceilings seems untimely. It is claimed that the current rules are too restrictive and will hamper public investment. The next German federal government's position on reforming European Monetary Union is one of the main issues on the table in the coalition negotiations and it is highly controversial. ifo President Clemens Fuest is convinced that a serious application of the existing concepts for ensuring sustainable fiscal policy would call for stricter, not softer debt rules. This Opinion explains why Europe needs stricter debt rules and should not follow in Japan’s footsteps.
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News Coins

Policy Brief: Banks as Buyers of Last Resort for Government Bonds?

EconPol Policy Brief
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A key issue for the completion of the Banking Union is the concentrated exposure of banks in many countries to their own sovereign. This paper by EconPol Europe network partner Daniel Gros, Director of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), examines the belief that banks should be allowed to buy large amounts of their own sovereign so that they can stabilise the market in a crisis. Read here why this is mistaken for two reasons.
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