Past events

EconPol Europe Founding Conference

First Annual Conference: "The Euro - Which Way to Go?"

9-10 November 2017, Thon EU Hotel, Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat 75, B-1000 Brussels

EconPol Europe  - the new European Network for Economic and Fiscal Policy Research - has successfully concluded its official Founding Conference and first Annual Meeting. The 2-day conference focused on the governance of fiscal and monetary policy in Europe. It brought together not only the nine network members, but also around 200 high-profile researchers, politicians, experts and journalists to exchange their ideas regarding the economic and institutional development of the EU and the Eurozone. The event offered a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss the network’s latest research.

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EconPol Europe Pre-Launch Event

22 June 2017, CEPS; Brussels, Belgium

EconPol Europe was officially launched on June 22, 2017 with a cluster of events in Brussels. ifo President Clemens Fuest and the representatives of eight other renowned European economic and fiscal policy research institutes have met to sign the cooperation agreement establishing this major European research network and to discuss its strategic orientation.

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