Maithreyi Seetharaman

Journalist and Broadcaster

Maithreyi Seetharaman is a London-based international journalist, communicator and entrepreneur with almost two decades of global media experience. She founded Facultas Media Limited in 2013 and has been designing and creating content for clients across the world. She most recently directed Fortune Magazine’s Live Media Content as Co-Chair of Fortune Most Powerful Women International, Fortune Global Forum and Brainstorm Design. She has also created and hosted as Anchor and Executive Editor, five seasons of Euronews’ flagship economic show, Real Economy.

Olivier Blanchard

Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics

Olivier Blanchard is the C. Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and the Robert M. Solow Professor of Economics emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). A citizen of France, Blanchard has spent most of his professional life in the United States. After obtaining his PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1977, he taught at Harvard University, and returned to MIT in 1982. He was chair of the economics department from 1998 to 2003.

Maarten Verwey

Director-General DG Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission

Maarten Verwey has been Director General of DG Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission since February 2020. Maarten Verwey started his career in the European Commission in 2011 as deputy Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs. In 2015 he became Director General of the Structural Reform Sup-port Service (now DG REFORM). He has been Director General for Economic and Fi-nancial Affairs since 1 February 2020. Before coming to the Commission, he was di-rector of foreign financial relations in the Dutch Ministry of Finance.

corona virus on European economy background: EU flag under magnifying glass, downtrend charts and stock exchange market price data

EconPol Annual Conference 2021| The State of Fiscal Resilience – How Prepared is Europe for Future Crises?| 13 - 14 October

EconPol Annual Conference
| News

The European Union’s recovery plan that has been adopted in response to the coronavirus crisis is a game changer in terms of European economic policy integration: NextGenerationEU is larger than any other stimulus package passed by the EU in previous crises. Together with the EU’s long-term budget a total of EUR 1.8 trillion will be spent to boost and modernize Europe’s economy with major priorities set in the areas of digitalization and climate change.

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Gears Europe Flag

European Structural Funds and Resilient and Recovery Facility Governance

Working Paper
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The implementation of recovery funds under the EU’s Covid-19 recovery program NextGenerationEU should be aligned with business cycle phases. This could ensure that financial support will have the most even and efficient impact across regions. This is one of the key conclusions derived from this EconPol Working Paper. The study analyzed the impact of the European Structural and Investment Funds on regional development over the period 1986–2018, identifying lessons for the EU's Covid recovery program NGEU.

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pixelated money bag icon on digital background

Who Will Pay Amount A?

Policy Brief
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The latest OECD tax reform will affect only 78 of the world’s 500 largest companies and only about 37 European companies, this EconPol Policy Brief reveals. The number of companies is so low, mainly because the tax applies only to companies with revenues above USD 20 billion which earn a rate of return on revenue above 10%. Reducing the revenue threshold for multinational companies from USD 20 billion to EUR 750 million would increase the number of companies affected by a factor of 13.

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power plant with smoking chimney

CO2 Emissions and Energy Technologies in Western Europe

Working Paper
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Economic upswing phases are strongly linked to a rise in CO2 emissions. The effect is strongest in countries that depend on energy-intensive sectors, this latest EconPol Working paper finds. The research further shows that an increase in the share of renewable energy in the primary energy supply during an upswing has the greatest impact on reducing CO2 emissions. According to the authors, the study’s results lead to an important conclusion: European environmental policy should be adjusted over the economic cycle, e.g. by introducing procyclical green taxation.  

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EEAG Report on the European Economy 2021 - Beyond the Coronavirus Crisis: Investing for a Viable Future

EconPol Special Publication
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The coronavirus crisis has led to the sharpest economic downturn in modern times and poses unparalleled challenges to policy both on a national and an EU level, as well as globally. The European Union has launched the ground-breaking Next Generation EU (NGEU) program, which involves common burden-sharing and explicitly aims to strengthen social cohesion within the European Union. If it succeeds, it will strengthen both the role of the European Union and cohesion within the European Union.

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Clemens Fuest

President, ifo Institute

Clemens Fuest has been President of the ifo Institute since April 2016. He is also Managing Director of CESifo GmbH, Professor of Economics at LMU Munich and Director of the Center for Economic Studies (CES) at LMU Munich. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Chairman from 2007 to 2010), Programme Director of the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation, member of the European Academy of Sciences and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Ernst & Young GmbH.