Tibor Hanappi

Economist, OECD

Tibor Hanappi is an economist specialised in international business taxation with experience in tax policy analysis for national authorities, research institutions, international organisations and private clients. At the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration since January 2015, he has been working directly with the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) including on BEPS Action 11, the Interim Report on the Tax Challenges arising from Digitalisation and the Economic Impact Assessment of the Pillar One and Pillar Two proposals.

Alexandre Ounnas

Researcher, Job and Skills Unit, CEPS

Alexandre Ounnas is a Researcher in the Job and Skills Unit at CEPS. He is an expert in empirical and theoretical analysis of the labor market. His main research interests include the effects of structural changes, such as automation or demographic changes, on the dynamics of the labor market. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Université Catholique de Louvain and a Master’s degree magna cum laude in Econometrics from Université Catholique de Louvain. In his dissertation, he presents a study of gross worker flows by occupations in the U.S.

İrem Güçeri

Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University

İrem Güçeri is an Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Oxford University’s Blavatnik School of Government, and an International Research Fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation. İrem's current research focuses on policy evaluation, corporate taxation, productivity, R&D and innovation. İrem holds DPhil and MPhil degrees in Economics from Oxford University, an MSc from the London School of Economics and a BA in Economics from Koç University. 

Bert Zuijdendorp

Head of Unit Company Taxation Initiatives, European Commission

Bert Zuijdendorp heads the "Company Taxation Initiatives" unit in the European Commission's Taxation and Customs Union Directorate-General. He is in charge of EU directives and policy initiatives in the area of corporate taxation. Recent initiatives include the 2016 Anti-Tax Avoidance Package, the relaunch of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base, the 2018 proposals in the area of digital taxation, the 2020 Package for Fair and Effective Taxation and the 2021 Communication on Business Taxation for the 21st Century.

Daniel Gros

Member of the Board and Distinguished Fellow, CEPS

Daniel Gros serves as advisor to the European Parliament and was a member of the advisory scientific committee of the European Systemic Risk Board and the Euro 50 Group of eminent economists. He received a Fulbright Scholarship 2019/20 at the University of California, Berkeley. He has held positions at the IMF, the European Commission, and served as advisor to several governments. From 2000 to 2020 Daniel has been the Director of CEPS. He is editor of Economie Internationale and International Finance and the author of several books and numerous articles in scientific journals.

Danny McCoy


Danny McCoy is Chief Executive Officer of Ibec since 2009. Ibec is Ireland’s largest business representative organisation and the country’s largest lobbying group.Prior to joining Ibec, Danny was a senior economist at both the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and the Central Bank of Ireland in Dublin. He has held lecturing posts at Dublin City University, University College London, University of Oxford and Trinity College Dublin. He has been a consultant for the European Commission and the OECD.

John Vella

Professor of Law, University of Oxford

John Vella is Professor of Law at the University of Oxford and works primarily on tax law and policy. He is also Assistant Director of the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation based at the Saïd Business School, a co-director of the MSc in Taxation and a non-tutorial Fellow of Harris Manchester College.

John studied law at the University of Malta (BA and LLD) and the University of Cambridge (LLM and PhD). After completing his studies in 2006 he moved to Oxford where he has held different posts at the Faculty of Law and the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation.

Richard Collier

Associate Fellow, Centre for Business Taxation, Oxford University

Richard Collier is a qualified lawyer and chartered accountant, and a former partner at PwC. He has been very closely involved with the work of the OECD since the late 1990s and was especially active in the BEPS project. In 2019 he was appointed on secondment as a senior tax adviser to the OECD to manage the work on Pillar 1 of the OECD’s work on taxation of the digitalised economy. He has worked on a wide range of research projects for CBT, especially on tax treaties and transfer pricing, the implications of the BEPS project and more fundamental reform.

Florian Neumeier

Head of the Research Group Taxation and Fiscal Policy, ifo Institute

Florian Neumeier is head of the Research Group Taxation and Fiscal Policy at ifo Institute in Munich. His research focuses on international corporate taxation, tax competition, and tax harmonization. He has prepared numerous expert reports for the German government on the reform of the national and international corporate tax system.

Marko Köthenbürger

Professor of Public Economics, ETH Zurich

Marko Köthenbürger is a professor of economics at ETH Zurich to which he moved in 2012 after holding positions at the University of Bern, Copenhagen, Munich and Vienna. He is a CESifo research fellow, a research associate at the Norwegian Center for Taxation (NoCeT) and at the European Policy Research Unit (EPRU). He is editor of the journal “Economics of Governance” and is an associate editor of the journal “International Tax and Public Finance” and “Nordic Tax Journal”. His research deals with issues of public economics in general and of fiscal federalism and taxation in particular.