screenshot panel discussion econpol annual conference 2021

Conference Videos Now Available

EconPol Annual Conference
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Videos of our annual conference 2021 are now available to view on our conference website. Videos include the opening keynote speech from Olivier Blanchard, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, the keynote speech from Daniel Gros, Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies, and our panel discussion on Fiscal Policy for the Post-Covid Era - US vs EU with Clemens Fuest, Claudia Sahm, Debora Revoltella and Maarten Verwey. Click on 'Resources' to jump straight to the content, or scroll down to the very bottom of the page. You can also see and download all the available papers and presentations from our guests.

We hope you enjoyed the program, and we hope to be welcoming you back next year. Please do get in touch if you have any comments or feedback on the content of the conference.

In the meantime, you can keep up to date with all our events, research and other activities on our website, on Twitter or by signing up to our monthly newsletter.