Jennifer has been a journalist in print, radio and television for more than 20 years, the last 10+ specialising in EU policy and legislation in the technology sector — from data protection and privacy to trade agreements; antitrust cases to copyright law; national security to public transparency. Jennifer is originally from Ireland, and after university in Northern Ireland and France, worked in Dublin as a radio journalist. After a few years, she moved to Malta to pursue a career in print media. It was there, editing a national daily paper and covering the Maltese EU accession process, that she became fascinated with EU politics. A move to the UK for family reasons saw her working in the tough, but instructive, British newspaper industry, before moving into trade publications, particularly in the tech sector. She set up her own custom publishing company to capitalise on her experience — Figure8media.After moving to Brussels, Jennifer carved out a niche in freelance reporting and analysis, and is now one of the most respected commentators on everything inside the Brussels Bubble – from Brexit to security, fundamental rights to disinformation. Combining her insider knowledge with a passion for live communication, Jennifer also relishes the opportunity to moderate conferences and events of any size.
Host, 26 November