Revisiting Europe's Innovation Policy (Pour un réexamen de la politique de soutien à l'innovation en Europe)

Conference by the Toulouse School of Economics in cooperation with the University of Bocconi and EconPol Europe


Collège de France, 11, Place Marcelin Berthelot 75005 Paris (Salle 2)

TSE is organizing a conference on the politics of innovation in Europe on September 18 (2pm-5.15pm) at the Collège de France in Paris (in person only). 

The conference will be held in French. For more details on the conference and to register, please visit the conference website of the Toulouse School of Economics or contact

This conference is organized in cooperation with the University of Bocconi and CESifo/EconPol Europe.

The race for fundamental innovation is a key challenge for Europe. In the medium and long term, it determines the conditions for its growth, the maintenance of its standard of living and its societal model, but also its political influence in the world. Today, the shared diagnosis is that, despite its efforts, Europe is lagging behind the United States and China in many economic sectors of the future.

What adaptations of the current strategy or which institutional transformations could improve European performance in this area, taking into account the accumulated delays and the societal objectives that the EU defends, such as ecology and economic integration?

Key topics for discussion include:

  • The role and level of public funding, whether for basic research or to support start-ups;
  • The composition of the portfolio of projects supported by the EU, according to their proximity to the market or by priority area;
  • The workings of the institutions that evaluate and select projects for support;
  • Complementary reforms for an innovative Europe (financial markets, integration, labor rights, universities, etc.).

During this conference, stakeholders and experts in innovation support policy will share their analyses and debate their viewpoints. Their contributions will illustrate the complexity of these issues and the possible paths to consider as the new European Commission sets the framework for action for the coming years.


- Provisional - 

Presentation by Jean Tirole of the main points of a report, which he co-authored as part of a collaboration between Toulouse School of Economics, the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University, and CESifo/EconPol Europe. This will be followed by a presentation from Philippe Aghion.

Panel 1: "From basic science to application"

Panel 2: “Competitiveness and productivity challenges in Europe"


List of Participants

  • Philippe AGHION, Professeur au Collège de France et à l’INSEAD
  • Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Président du Conseil européen de la recherche European Research Council (ERC) de 2014 à 2019
  • Eric LABAYE, Président du Comité de surveillance des investissements d’avenir;
  • André Loesekrug-Pietri, Président du JEDI Joint European Disruptive Initiative
  • Michiel Scheffer, Président du PCN Conseil européen de l'innovation (EIC)
  • Jean Tirole, Président honoraire de Toulouse School of Economics
  • Natacha Valla, Doyenne de l'École de Management et d'Innovation à Sciences Po
  • Margaret Kyle, Professeure d’économie à Mines Paris - PSL



Register via the conference website of the Toulouse School of Economics.

Participation is free and subject to registration and availability.

Security check will be conducted at the entrance.