How to Make the Green Transition Happen?
Centro Universitario Residenziale di Bertinoro, Via Frangipane 6, Bertinoro (Forlì - Cesena)
Despite ambitious pledges made in Paris in 2015, with the EU at the forefront, the world is not on track to stop climate change within safe limits. What can Europe do to make the green transition happen? Shared Perspectives 2023 brings together policy-oriented economists and policymakers to seek politically feasible, economically sensible, environmentally effective answers.
Keynote lectures:
Daniele Franco, formerly Italian Minister of Economy and Finance and Director General at Banca d'Itali
Rick van der Ploeg, Professor, University of Oxford; former Dutch MP and State Secretary
All sessions will be livestreamed and we welcome online interaction.
Info and registration:
Shared Perspectives 2023 is a policy workshop which seeks to develop answers to this question. Join our line-up of leading researchers and policy thinkers to
- Consider the interaction of different economic and political aspects of climate policy;
- Understand the political constraints which need to be taken into account when formulating feasible climate policies;
- Discuss policy instruments which could help unlock the path to the green transition.
The workshop is organised by the Department of Economics, University of Bologna, and partner organisations.
For more information, please contact:
Niko Jaakkola: (+39) 353 4183678
Riccardo Rovelli: (+39) 335 407497
DAY 1: Friday 6th October
14.15 Introduction
Niko Jaakkola (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
Riccardo Rovelli (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
14.30 Keynote – Financial and environmental sustainability: the value of the future
Daniele Franco (Former Italian Minister of Economy and Finance)
Moderator: Riccardo Rovelli (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
Selma Mahfouz (Inspector General of Finances, French Finance Ministry)
Karen Pittel (Director of Center for Energy, Climate and Resources, ifo Institute)
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Panel 1 – Can the green transition be pro-competitive and market-friendly?
Moderator: Lorenzo Forni (Università di Padova; Head of Prometeia Associazione Think Tank)
Suzana Carp (Leader, Cleantech for Europe's Policy Team)
Antoine Dechezleprêtre (Senior Economist, Productivity Innovation and Entrepreneurship Division, OECD)
Green industrial policies (PROVISIONAL)
Matteo Leonardi (Co-founder and executive director, ECCO Climate)
Mar Reguant (ICREA-IAE and Northwestern University)
Renewable power rents and incentives
Andrea Tilche (Università di Bologna; former Head of Unit, DG Research, European Commission)
The green transition of mobility: Italian errors, virtuous policies and political risks
18.15 Break
18.30 Panel 2 – How can the costs of the green transition be made politically and socially acceptable?
Moderator: Rick van der Ploeg (University of Oxford)
Leonardo Becchetti (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
Strategies to make ecological transition socially and politically acceptable
Selma Mahfouz (Inspector General of Finances, French Finance Ministry)
Transition costs and funding: an assessment for France
Massimo Tavoni (Politecnico di Milano and Director, EIEE)
20.00 Workshop dinner
DAY 2: Saturday 7th October
08.30 Panel 3 – Will sustainability deter or spur economic growth?
Moderator: TBA
Karen Pittel (Director of Center for Energy, Climate and Resources, ifo Institute)
Can we sensibly assess the growth impacts of sustainability?
Ottavio Ricchi (Chief Economist, Italian Treasury)
How can the Italian PNRR steer the green transition towards sustainable growth?
Alessio Terzi (Economist, DG ECFIN, European Commission; Sciences Po, Paris)
10.30 Coffee break
11.00 Panel 4 – Are carbon pricing and emissions trading market-friendly and growth-effective?
Moderator: TBA
Simone Borghesi (Università di Siena, EUI and EAERE)
Stefano De Clara (Head of Secretariat, ICAP)
Acceptability of ETS and carbon pricing, and use of related revenues (PROVISIONAL)
Matteo Mura (Dept. of Management, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
Industrial sustainability transition pathways in Europe: Implications for EU carbon policies
Jan Nill (Policy Coordinator EU Emissions Trading System, DG CLIMA, European Commission)
The indispensable role of carbon pricing for a green transition – lessons from EU experiences
13.00 Lunch break
14.30 Keynote – Transformative Policies for the Green Transition: Affordable and Achievable
Rick van der Ploeg (Professor, University of Oxford)
Moderator: Niko Jaakkola (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna)
Lorenzo Forni (Università di Padova; Head of Prometeia Associazione Think Tank)
16.00 Coffee break
16.15 Panel 5 – Will the green transition foster global cooperation or division?
Moderator: TBA
Kalypso Nikolaïdis (Chair in Global Affairs, EUI)
Europe as a Laboratory for Planetary Politics?
Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bocconi University)
The EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism between ambition and delusion
Giorgio Presidente (Research Fellow, Institute for European Policymaking, Bocconi University)
The EU and the US Inflation Reduction Act, No Rose Without Thorns
18.15 End of workshop