EconPol Working Papers

Funding Constraints and Market Illiquidity in the European Treasury Bond Market

Sophie Moinas, Minh Nguyen and Giorgio Valente

Financial markets routinely experience a variety of frictions that hinder their efficient functioning by impacting price formation. These frictions are usually due to how trading is organized in a market, regulatory constraints, or trading capital. EconPol expert Sophie Moinas (TSE) and her co-authors propose an empirical investigation of the dynamic relationships between funding and market illiquidity measures in the European Treasury bond market. They find that funding illiquidity shocks affect bond market illiquidity and of a weaker, but significant, reverse feedback effect. Their analysis also shows that the responses of individual bonds' market illiquidity to funding illiquidity shocks increase with bond duration, the credit risk of the issuer, and with haircuts.

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The Role of Pre-Opening Mechanisms in Fragmented Markets

Selma Boussetta, Laurance Lescourret and Sophie Moinas

Liquidity issues in financial markets arise because of two main factors: asymmetric information and cost of market participation. To alleviate these frictions, several exchanges start with a pre-opening period characterized by the accumulation of orders and the absence of trading. What is the role of Euronext’s pre-opening mechanism in the price discovery and liquidity formation of the exchange itself versus two other competing venues deprived of such a mechanism, namely BATS and Chi-X? EconPol expert Sophie Moinas (TSE) and her co-authors find evidence that tentative clearing prices set during the pre-opening period contribute to discover opening price; and that tentative clearing volume is positively correlated with liquidity across all three platforms.

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Attitudes towards Euro Area Reforms: Evidence from a Randomized Survey Experiment

Mathias Dolls and Nils Wehrhofer

How do German voters feel about euro area reforms? In this working paper EconPol expert Mathias Dolls and co-author Nils Wehrhöfer find that few Germans are willing to accept fiscal risk-sharing through common unemployment insurance. But a majority supports a sovereign insolvency procedure aimed at strengthening market discipline. In their randomized surveys the authors also confronted survey participants with the potentially adverse effects of reforms, which lowered approval rates considerably. The survey results also revealed broad-based acceptance of inner German transfers, but low levels of support for transfers to other euro area member states.

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Globalization and Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from Italy

Mauro Caselli, Andrea Fracasso and Silvio Traverso

We study whether and to what extent the electoral dynamics in Italy over the 1994-2008 period can be explained by the development of economic factors associated with globalization. To measure the level of exposure to globalization for local labor markets, our main unit of analysis, we use the intensity of import competition from China and the presence of immigrants.

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Population Aging and Cross-Country Redistribution in Integrated Capital Markets

Thomas Davoine

How can the European Union tackle its aging populations? Network member Thomas Avoine, IHS, investigates international spillovers due to capital market integration when populations age and the cross-country redistribution that this generates. Using a multi-country overlapping-generations model, he finds that labour supply drops more in rapidly aging countries, pushing up the capital-labour ratio, lowering returns on investment and generating capital flows towards countries with younger populations. The author looks at how governments can reform tax and pension policy to influence redistribution patterns and how rapidly aging countries can promote immigration to mitigate the negative redistributive effects of capital market integration.

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Global Implications of U.S. Tax Reform

Jack Mintz

What will be the impact of the latest US tax reform adopted on 1 January 2018? In this EconPol Working Paper Jack Mintz, President’s Fellow, School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, looks at the key features of the US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, assesses its implications for global growth and speculates on how other countries are likely to respond to this ground-breaking reform.

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Dynamic Scoring of Tax Reforms in the European Union

Salvador Barrios, Mathias Dolls, Anamaria Mafei, Andreas Peichl, Sara Riscado, Janos Varga and Christian Wittneben

Dynamic scoring, or the evaluation of tax reform effects, is common practice in the US, but has never been applied to the EU’s fiscal governance framework. Adopting a novel approach, the authors analyse hypothetical reforms of the social insurance contributions system in Belgium. They find that the self-financing effect of a reduction in employers’ social insurance contributions is far greater than that of a comparable reduction in employees’ social insurance contributions.

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Addressing the Core-Periphery Imbalances in Europe: Resource Misallocation and Expansionary Fiscal Policies

Luigi Bonatti and Andrea Fracasso

How can the euro area tackle its perennial problems of core/periphery imbalances and anaemic long-term growth? According to network members Luigi Bonatti and Andrea Fracasso, Università di Trento, there is no quick-fix solution. Temporary fiscal stimulus does not produce permanent improvements, while the upfront costs and short-term negative impact of structural reforms can feed distributional conflicts. Permanent cross-national transfers provide local relief, but also exacerbate tensions among member states. The authors advocate a nuanced approach focused on the key role of structural differences in affecting income and growth differentials, as well as competitive imbalances across the euro area.

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We need more Europe in the Monetary Union. Which Europe? Hints from policy games.

Luciano Andreozzi and Roberto Tamborini

Under the pressure of the 2008 crisis serious flaws have emerged in the design of the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) as a supranational architecture which aims at generating and distributing  collective benefits from integration among highly interdependent countries. If we agree that more Europe is needed, we shall urgently ask "Which Europe?" Economists Luciano Andreozzi and Roberto Tamborini from EconPol network partner Università di Trento introduced an interesting policy game setup of two interdependent countries where each sovereign government seeks to optimise its own welfare function reflecting social preferences over policy options and their outcomes. Read here why the strategy of further integration by an extended system of binding rules enforced by technocratic agencies may be unsuccessful and which consequences should be drawn.

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The Case for Co-Financing the CAP

Friedrich Heinemann

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was set up in a time when the memory about post-war food shortage was fresh, Europe was a large net importer of agricultural products, agricultural production was still highly labour-intensive, food was a major item in a typical consumer basket and significant shares of the work-force received their major income from the agricultural sector. Today, agricultural production is capital-intensive with a low share of total labour employed and food spending. Read in this paper by network member Friedrich Heinemann/ZEW why CAP in its current size is still part of the problem and which conclusions should be drawn.

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