The Revenue Effect of a Global Effective Minimum Tax


Clemens Fuest, Florian Neumeier

In October 2021, 136 countries and jurisdictions agreed on the introduction of a global effective minimum tax (OECD 2021). The plan is to impose a minimum tax rate of 15 percent on the global profits of multinational corporations (MNCs). If an MNC’s effective tax burden in a country is less than 15 percent, additional taxes will be collected until the ratio of tax payments to profits reaches a level of 15 percent. This is to affect all MNCs whose global consolidated revenue is at least €750 million.

Key Messages

  • We estimate the fiscal effect of a global effective minimum tax for Germany, the EU27, and the world
  • Our results indicate that Germany and – on aggregate – the EU27 would benefit fiscally from a global effective minimum tax
  • However, the size of the additional tax revenue depends on the design of the carve-out rule and the extent of behavioral adjustments on the side of multinational companies and low-tax countries

Clemens Fuest and Florian Neumeier: “The Revenue Effect of a Global Effective Minimum Tax,” EconPol Forum 23 (6), CESifo, Munich, 2022.