Natalia Fabra is Professor of Economics at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research, Associate Member of the Toulouse School of Economics and Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge Energy Policy Research Group. She belongs to the Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP) of the European Commission. She obtained her PhD in 2001 at the European University Institute (Florence), under the supervision of Prof. Massimo Motta. Natalia works in the field of Industrial Organization, with emphasis in Energy and Environmental Economics and Regulation and Competition Policy. Her research papers are published in leading journals such as the American Economic Review, the Rand Journal of Economics, The Economic Journal, Energy Economics, The Journal of Industrial Economics, and the International Journal of Industrial Organization, among others. Natalia is Associate Editor at the Economic Journal and the Journal of Industrial Economics. Natalia has received two distinguished awards as Spanish Best Young Economist, one awarded by the Banco Sabadell Foundation, and the other by the Madrid regional government. In 2017, she was awarded an ERC Consolidator grant “Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets” for the period 2018-2023. Natalia has been Research Visiting Fellow at several institutions, including the University of California Energy Institute (Berkeley), Nuffield College (Oxford), the Toulouse School of Economics, Northwestern University (Chicago), and the Energy Policy Research Group (Cambridge), among others.
26 November, 10:50 - 12:30
Panel 2: Novel Regulatory Approaches for Climate Change Mitigation
Topic: Technology neutral versus technology specific procurement (with Juan Pablo Montero)